George Camilleri

This author Tony Cassar has created 11 entries.

30 Aug

‘Development at Ta’ Cenc’ by Martin Galea

There are 15 persons who are appointed to sit on the board of the Malta Environment and Planning Authority. They are chosen for their skill, outlook intelligence and integrity to look after the most controversial subject in this country – planning and environment. Mepas mission statement places looking after our natural and historical heritage at the...

26 Aug

Development of golf course ‘a big risk’

The Malta Independent on Sunday, 26 August 2007, by Francesca Vella – Earlier this week teh developers of the proposed project at Ta Cenc publicly announced that they had not excluded the possibility of using part of the land to build Gozo’s first golf course, but acknowledged that this would be “a big risk and would require the support of a...

25 Aug

Development Pressures within Protected Archaeological Buffer Zones

Din l-Art Helwa calls on the Malta Environment and Planning Authority to exercise the highest level of prudence when considering planning applications within the designated buffer zones of archaeological sites of international importance in Malta and Gozo. Din l-Art Helwa is concerned about 2 applications for new development presently under consideration by Mepa, that fall within scheduled archaeological areas. Application PA 7946/05...

23 Aug

A Quarter of Ta’ Cenc Site Earmarked for Unspecified Future Development in Phase II

23rd August 2007 – A second draft of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the Ta’ Cenc development proposal was recently submitted to the Malta Environment and Planning Authority (Mepa) without any information on the plans for Phase II, said Din l-Art Helwa. Phase II will cover around a quarter (approx. 350 tumoli) of the entire site of Ta’ Cenc, described...

28 Jun

Letter to the Times from DLH & Gaia on Ramla l-Hamra

28 June 2007 We refer to Sylvana Debono’s letter of 27th June on behalf of Mepa, in reply to our previous statement that almost one third of the area approved for redevelopment at Ramla Bay consists of structures built without a permit, and that these cannot qualify for redevelopment. These structures consist of storage rooms, large elevated terraces used as car parks,...

19 Jun

Ramla Bay permit – Din l-Art Helwa & the Gaia Foundation

Press Release 19 June 2007 The NGOs Din l-Art Helwa and the Gaia Foundation today again questioned MEPA’s decision to issue a permit to redevelop ‘Ulysses Lodge’ in Ramla Bay, Gozo on the requested footprint. On 6th May the MEPA Board granted a permit...

06 Jun

DLH slams Mepa approval of tourist complex at Ramla Bay

6th June 2007 Din l-Art Helwa expresses its strong disapproval of today’s decision taken by the MEPA board to grant a permit for the construction of a large tourist complex in Ramla Bay, Xaghra, Gozo. The existing buildings known as ‘Ulysses Lodge’ are to be demolished and replaced with...

14 Mar

‘The Shrinking Heart of our Towns and Villages’ by Petra Bianchi

John Ruskin claimed that we know more about the lives of the ancient Greeks from the ruins of their buildings than from anything else they left behind. Anyone who has visited Pompei near Naples, a town frozen in time by the scorching heat of an explosion of the volcano Vesuvius, knows the fascinating experience of being transported back into the...

01 Oct

Heritage Superintendence warns Authority on Ta Cenc

Maltatoday 1st October 2006, by James Debono – The Superintendence for Cultural Heritage has written to the Malta Environment and Planning Authority expressing concern on the impact of the proposed Ta Cenc development on the area overlooking Xewkija, Maltatoday has learned. The area known as Ta Gruwa is earmarked for the development of 49 villas. “This area contains an important stretch of...