
09 Jun 2021

Launch of Din l-Art Ħelwa Għawdex at Gozo Cittadella

Press Release Launch of Din l-Art Ħelwa Għawdex at Gozo Cittadella 05 June 2021 Din l-Art Ħelwa Għawdex (DLĦGħ), a new Gozo dedicated branch of the Din l-Art Ħelwa National Trust, was launched at the renowned Rabat Cittadella on 5 June 2021 with a mission to safeguard Gozo’s unique cultural and architectural heritage as well as its natural environment for future generations.  The founding members of DLĦGħ are a group of Gozitans together with other residents who chose to set up home...

12 May 2021

Not in any of our backyards – Alex Torpiano

A few days ago, the President of the Republic expressed his dismay that a beloved, still well preserved, street in his Żejtun was destined to be ruined by the application of the infamous Annex 2 of the 2015 Development Control Design Policy, Guidance and Standards. The president was criticised for not speaking out before about the widespread damage that the same...

26 Mar 2021


Din l-Art Ħelwa appeals to the public for any information about the extensive damage caused recently to the Red Tower, Mellieha, and asks those who caused it, whether by accident or by design, to come forward to cover the costs so the heritage organization can urgently repair the damage caused. It has been reported that a passerby, seeing the state...

13 Mar 2021

Planning, gone to the pits – Alex Torpiano

We need checks and controls to reduce impact of the powerful and rich lobbies. Last August, I wrote refusing Johann Buttigieg’s testimony that equated developers lobbying for their projects with eNGOs acting against inappropriate project proposals. Read more ...

12 Mar 2021


Annual Report for year ended 31st December 2020 We have all experienced the unprecedented effects of 2020 and the difficulties resulting from COVID19, be it in jobs, health and societal interactions. In addition, our built and natural environment continued to face a relentless assault. Read more ...

06 Mar 2021


  ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING  24 FEBRUARY 2021 ADDRESS BY EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT PROFESSOR ALEX TORPIANO Good Evening. Welcome to this very particular AGM, held in a difficult pandemic situation. This past year was the 55th anniversary of the foundation of Din l-Art Helwa, but unfortunately we...