Press Release

1st August 2013

The management of the Majjistral Park has stepped up a gear with the establishment of site specific regulations to regulate certain activities within the park, issued through legal notice 217 of 2013 that came into force on 23rd July 2013.

This exercise is a very important element in the enhanced management of a national park, setting out proper guidelines and procedures, following public consultation, for the enjoyment by the public while respecting the conservation status of the park, which incorporates part of the North West Coastal Cliffs Natura 2000 site of international importance.

While access to the park remains open to the public, certain activities have been regulated in order to meet the site management’s objectives. Thus vehicular access is subject to legitimate users like farmers and those applying for access on the basis of criteria set out by the Management Board, which include research and studies, persons with disability and educational events. Vehicular access had to be controlled owing to widespread abuse like dumping and tipping, and off roading on the protected garrigue. With regard to hunting, a compromise was reached after extended discussions with stakeholders, to limit the practice to 10 am, with the numerous school visits and tours set for after 10.00 am. Other activities are regulated by the said legal notice, some of which would be permitted under certain conditions and within areas designated by the Management for such activities.

The park management has thanked the general public and various public and private entities for all their feedback and input leading up to the issue of the site regulations. It has also thanked the public for its cooperation and in working to make Malta’s first National Park a success and a site to be proud of.

Information on the regulation of activities is posted on the Park’s website and its Facebook page

The Management can be contacted at for further information.