by Joanna Spiteri Staines
Hats off to a unanimous decision by the Planning Authority board, chaired by Vince Cassar, in refusing the so called “rehabilitation of a quarry in Wied Għomor” to be used as an old people’s home.
It is indeed heartening to see an entire board of people from different bodies and representing different interests coming together to protect the valley of Wied Għomor. This is a great victory for environmental bodies and the residents alike.
Eight weeks ago, only one resident was aware of this development.
This one resident lobbied day and night with environmental groups, local councils, residents and politicians to ensure all were aware that an application for an old people’s home in the valley was recommended for approval by the planning authority.
The results attained are amazing; the residents united to fight this application and to fight for the future of this valley. Within six weeks, they had gathered over 4,500 signatures by laboriously going from door to door to fight for the cause.
Together with the local councils and the NGOs, the residents ensured their voice was heard; their rallying cry: “Protection of the last remaining green lung for the residents of Swieqi, San Ġwann and St Julian’s.”
This time, the plea to protect the countryside was not ignored. The PA board listened and decided in the interest of the communities and our country.
We, at Din l-Art Ħelwa wish to extend heartfelt thanks to all who have helped save our countryside.
11th June 2016
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