Press Release 9th February 2009

The Majjistral Nature and History Park Management (Din l-Art Ħelwa, Gaia Foundation, Nature Trust (Malta)) would like to thank the young members of Klabb Ballottra who, together with their parents, helped so enthusiastically with a clean-up whilst attending a guided nature walk in the park. The group focused on the collection of litter from garigue areas and along footpaths.

Whilst encouraging the public to visit and enjoy the area, the management calls upon the users of the site to bear more respect for the protected area, leave their cars behind and to follow a simple countryside code which will allow for a better experience of the area without causing excessive disturbance:

  • Refrain from collecting or causing harm to any specimens of flora, fauna, fossils or archaeological artefacts
  • Tread lightly
  • Avoid causing noise and light pollution
  • Do not litter
  • Do not light fires
  • Keep to the paths

The public is invited to learn more about the importance of this area by joining in on one of its guided walks held on Sundays. Groups from schools, local councils etc. may also book a walk on weekdays (subject to availability). Walks must be booked in advance and are held against a small fee. For more information email This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it or phone 7947 2950 (office hours). More information on Il-Majjistral Park can be obtained from

Contact Person: Annalise Falzon Nature Walks Guide at Il-Majjistral Tel: 7947 2950