In the light of V18, Din l-Art Ħelwa was invited to be Guest NGO on the daily lunchtime magazine programme ‘FUQ NET’, presented by Mireille Bonello and Kurt Calleja on NET TV. The programme, dedicated to cultural heritage, was aired between 15-18 January 2018

Maria Grazia Cassar, talks about Din l-Art Ħelwa and its role, with special emphasis on volunteering opportunities.

Patricia Salomone talks about the varied events and fund-raising activities Din l-Art Ħelwa organises.

Stanley Farrugia Randon talks about the restoration work of Din l-Art Ħelwa.

Maria Grazia Cassar talks about the watchdog role of Din l-Art Ħelwa and its many
campaigns in lobbying for protection of the environment and built heritage.