30/05/2018 @ 9:00 am – 12:30 pm Europe/Malta Timezone

Invitation – Din l-Art Helwa Tour 3 

The Notarial Archives ‘our hidden treasures revisited’

Din l-Art Helwa is organising the third tour for 2018.  By popular demand this tour will take us again to an interesting visit of the Notarial Archives in St Christopher Street, Valletta, house for over 20,000 notarial registers and other historic manuscripts spanning a period of 600 years.  The Notarial Archives Foundation is a voluntary organisation that aims to protect, showcase, and diffuse knowledge through the archives, an incredible treasure trove of historical information.  The Notarial Archives thereby preserves this paper heritage for future generations.

Conservators explaining the conservation process to visitors

Ian Camilleri a volunteer with Din l-Art Helwa will coordinate this tour in collaboration with Dr Joan Abela, Consultant Historian at the Notarial Archives.

The tour is set for the Wednesday 30th May 2018 and the details are as follows:

  • A donation of euro10 paid in advance to secure booking. All proceeds to go towards conservation of paper heritage projects.
  • Bookings will be on a first come first served basis (maximum 12 participants).
  • Ian will meet all participants at 9am at Din l-Art Helwa’s offices in Valletta.
  • Participants can park their cars at Park and Ride Floriana and take the shuttle bus to Valletta
  • Ian will take the participants to the Notarial Archives in St Christopher street
  • Dr Joan Abela and her volunteers will explain the need to preserve this heritage and the processes involved in the restoration and conservation of the treasures that are emerging during this same process.
  • Tour will end by about 12.30pm with tea, coffee and biscuits and informal discussion.

To book and secure a reservation, please forward the donation of euro10 with your booking form to Din l-Art Helwa at 133 Melita Street, Valletta.  Bookings close on Monday 28th May 2018.

If you have a query please send an e-mail to admin@dinlarthelwa.org.

Privacy Disclaimer (General Data Protection Regulation of 25 May 2018)
As per the General Data Protection Regulation of 25.5.2018, Din l-Art
Helwa advises that during its activities, photos and videos may be taken which may be used by the organisation in the media and in its
publications without the expressed written permission of those included within the photograph or video.


Booking Form

Din l-Art Helwa Tour 3  

The Notarial Archives

 Our hidden treasures revisited

on Wednesday 30th May 2018

at 9am

Meeting at the Din l-Art Helwa’s Offices 133 Melita Street Valletta

Please reserve ……. places for the Tour

Name ……………………………………………………………….



……………………………………………… Tel.No. …………………

Name of Guests : ……………………………………………………..



I enclose a cheque for €………….. donation for the …….. reservations.

Cheques should be made payable to Din l-Art Helwa.