George Camilleri

This author Tony Cassar has created 11 entries.

12 Dec

Sound planning decisions, by Martin Galea

Times of Malta, 31 December 2009 Two astonishing doc-uments have just been published by Mepa. They were the findings of a board of inquiry into the issue of permits for a supermarket in Luqa and some bungalows in Baħar iċ-Ċagħaq. The inquiries were brought about at the insistence of Mepa’s indefatigable auditor, Joe Falzon, and the board of Mepa appointed two...

12 Dec

Bluefin tuna could well become extinct, by George Camilleri

Times of Malta, 12 December 2009 Carmelo Agius of the University of Malta’s Biology Department (December 5) gives the impression that the “extremist” lobby campaigning for a total ban on tuna fishing is being excessively alarmist. ICCAT (the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas) recently introduced measures to counter the downward trend in bluefin tuna stocks, one of which is...

07 Dec

Brussels insists on Ta Cenc project update

7 December 2009, Times of Malta, by Ivan Camilleri – The European Commission has given Malta three weeks to send an updated report on the situation of the proposed development at Ta’ Ċenċ. The issue was raised last week at a meeting of the European Parliament’s Petitions Committee when the petition filed by Martin Galea, on behalf of Din l-Art Ħelwa...

21 Nov

Stop killing immature swordfish!

DLH Press Release – 21st November 2009 Din l-Art Helwa is pleased to hear that the EU is proposing new measures to protect diminishing stocks of swordfish (Xiphias gladius). We hear a lot about Bluefin Tuna and measures which are being undertaken to protect its extinction, yet swordfish will be facing the same fate in the near future if something is...

12 Oct

Environmental NGOs welcome Fomm ir-Rih land reclamation

Press Release 12 October 2009 The environmental NGOs Nature Trust (Malta), Flimkien ghal Ambjent Ahjar, Light Pollution Awareness Group, Din l-Art Helwa, Friends of the Earth Malta and BirdLife Malta welcome the news that Parliamentary Secretary Dr Jason Azzopardi has successfully reclaimed the area between Fomm ir-Rih and Gnejna. This sizeable tract of relatively unspoiled land and coast is not only considered...

04 Oct

EP postpones Ta Cenc petition

Sunday Times of Malta, 4 October 2009, by Ivan Camilleri in Brussels – Two petitions on the proposed controversial tourist development at Ta’ Ċenċ have been left open by the European Parliament pending the conclusion of further discussions between the Commission and Malta later this month. A Commission representative said although Malta had already adhered to the Commission’s directive to insert the...

04 Oct

Ulysses Lodge development: battle won but not the war

Malta Independent on Sunday, 4 October 2009 The opponents of the once-proposed Ulysses Lodge development overlooking Gozo’s Ramla Bay feel they have won a major battle, but the outcome of the war is still to be determined. The Malta Environment and Planning Authority’s board of appeal on Friday rejected, in finality, an appeal lodged by the developers against the DCC board’s rejection...

01 Oct

Talk about Quality, by Petra Bianchi

Vigilo magazine, October 2009 Plenty has been said and written about the massive amount of building development that has taken place in Malta over the last three decades or so. According to recent reports, the building frenzy may be easing off slightly, so now let us look around and see what has been...