George Camilleri

This author Tony Cassar has created 11 entries.

09 Feb

Activities at Il-Majjistral Nature & History Park

Press Release 9th February 2009 The Majjistral Nature and History Park Management (Din l-Art Ħelwa, Gaia Foundation, Nature Trust (Malta)) would like to thank the young members of Klabb Ballottra who, together with their parents, helped so enthusiastically with a clean-up whilst attending a guided nature walk in the park. The group focused on the collection of litter from garigue areas...

03 Jan

Guidelines for Amateur Fishermen Published

Din l-Art Helwa Press Release 3rd January 2009 Din l-Art Helwa, National Trust of Malta, has expressed its satisfaction that the Ministry for Resources and Rural Affairs has provided guidelines to amateur fishermen who have their boats registered as MFC – owners of boats who use their crafts for leisure fishing. These guidelines provide amateur fishermen with the legal minimum size...

04 Dec

DLH – the entrance to Valletta and the opera house site

Din l-Art Helwa press release 4th December 2008 Din l-Art Helwa welcomes the fact that the entrance to Valletta and the Opera House site are finally being given attention. The government has again approached Renzo Piano, an architect of international repute and one of the leading architects of our...

01 Dec

Proposed Ghadira road cuts through the Foresta site

Press Release, 1st December 2008 Foresta 2000 project partners BirdLife Malta and Din l-Art Helwa today confirmed that the TEN-T road project in Ghadira would cut through Phases 2 and 3 of the Foresta site, contrary to Minister Gatt’s claims. BirdLife and Din l-Art Helwa today revealed a map showing the boundaries of the Foresta 2000 site. The proposed road cuts through...

30 Nov

Ta Cenc development still possible despite added EU protection

Sunday Times of Malta, 30 November 2008, by Ivan Camilleri in Brussels The recent decision taken by the government to include the entire Ta’ Ċenċ plateau under EU environmental protection laws may not be enough to stop development in the area. The Sunday Times understands that the Ta’ Ċenċ owners have submitted fresh plans to the Malta Environment and Planning Authority. European...

28 Nov

Six environmental NGOs oppose Ghadira road project

Press Release 28 November 2008 SIX environmental NGOs including Din l-Art Helwa, Nature Trust (Malta), BirdLife Malta, Friends of the Earth (Malta), the Light Pollution Awareness Group and the Ramblers Association today expressed their opposition to the recently proposed new TEN-T road project in Ghadira. The NGOs stated that the proposed project will have a major negative impact on the environment with...

28 Nov

Din l-Art Helwa slams Ghadira road project

DLH Press Release 26 November 2008 Din l-Art Helwa strongly objects to the government’s proposal to build a new road at Ghadira bay in Mellieha, as part of the EU’s TEN-T road network. The proposed road would cut through a protected and sensitive...

24 Nov

Restoring old buildings, by Maria Mifsud

Sunday Times of Malta, 24 November 2008 A settlement – a conglomeration of homes set up by its community – is a living depository of cultural heritage where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Individual homes making up a settlement do not merely project a collection of distinct identities but together give rise to a collective cultural...