George Camilleri

This author Tony Cassar has created 11 entries.

08 Jun

Mepa continuously damaging Malta’s historical heritage

Times of Malta, 8th June 2008 The outline permit granted for the ex-Mistra Village development in Xemxija was tangible proof that the Malta Environment and Planning Authority was continuously damaging Malta’s natural and historical heritage, Alternattiva Demokratika yesterday said. The project includes 868 residential units, despite the fact that over 53,000 dwellings were vacant, AD spokesman on sustainable development Carmel Cacopardo said...

08 Jun

A good time to bury bad news from Mepa, by Claire Bonello

Times of Malta, 8th June 2008 (extract) Last Thursday evening all eyes were glued to TV sets as viewers tried to figure out which contender in the Labour leadership race had garnered enough votes to head home with the crown. Online newspaper sites were buzzing as readers logged on for updates. The result of that contest is known to all and there...

08 Jun

Mistra boomerangs on PM’s green credentials

Malta Today, 8th June 2008, by James Debono After the Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando saga, Mistra has returned to haunt the Prime Minister’s green credentials this time with MEPA’s approval of an 11-storey project replacing Mistra Village… a few hours before backtracking on a...

06 Jun

Mistra development given outline permit

Times of Malta, 6th June 2008, by Fiona Galea Debono The outline development application for the redevelopment of Mistra Village was yesterday approved by the Malta Environment and Planning Authority board, giving rise to 868 residential units perched on the ridge in Xemxija. The units would be standing at a height of eight or 11 floors, depending on the road level. The project...

06 Jun

Mistra Mega-Project

Joint Press Release from Environmental NGOs re Mistra Mega-Project 6th June 2008 The environmental NGOs Birdlife Malta, Gaia Foundation, Flimkien ghal Ambjent Ahjar, Friends of the Earth Malta, Light Pollution Awareness Group, NatureTrust (Malta) and Ramblers Association of Malta, today strongly criticized the MEPA decision to give the green light to Mistra mega-project and questioned the reason why this and similar permits...

06 Jun

Din l-Art Helwa condemns MEPA decision to approve Mistra Village redevelopment

6th June 2008 Din l-Art Helwa condemns MEPA decision to approve the application for the redevelopment of Mistra Village PA 05538/04  Against its own planning policies MEPA yesterday approved a massive 11 storey development on the Mistra ridge, which will dominate the northern coastal skyline.  The development proposes 868 new residential units and was approved without a proper...

06 Jun

Mistra development given outline permit

Times of Malta, 6th June 2008, by Fiona Galea Debono The outline development application for the redevelopment of Mistra Village was yesterday approved by the Malta Environment and Planning Authority board, giving rise to 868 residential units perched on the ridge in Xemxija. The units would be standing at a height of eight or 11 floors, depending on the road level. The project...

05 Jun

Mellieha residents concerned over Mepa approval of Xemxija Hill project

Malta Independent, 5th June 2008 Ta’ Masrija Action Group yesterday expressed concern at the decision by the Malta Environment and Planning Authority to grant an outline development permit which allows the use of the Floor Area Ratio (FAR) principle on a high ridge such as Xemxija Hill.The group said such a development will create traffic flow issues on an already congested...

18 May

Land clearing at Ulysses Lodge as appeal hearing nears

The Malta Independent on Sunday, 18 May 2008 – by David Lindsay  The would-be developers of the highly controversial Ulysses Lodge site, perched just above Gozo’s Ramla Bay, appear confident of a successful appeal hearing in July, with work clearing the site of shrubbery and trees ongoing this week.Last October, the Malta Environment and...