
10 Oct 2011

Campaign swings in favour of Blue Fin tuna

DLH Press Release 12 February 2010 –   The campaign to save Blue Fin Tuna from extinction is swinging in support of the species as Din l-Art Helwa applauds the European Parliament’s decision in favour of an international trading ban whilst allowing traditional coastal catch to continue.   This is a considerable step forward, says the NGO, in the process of including Blue Fin...

10 Oct 2011

End of the road for the Bluefin tuna

Din l-Art Helwa Press Release 2 November 2009   The Bluefin tuna is heading for imminent extinction if international trading of the species is not completely stopped for a few years so that the breeding stock can build itself back up to sustainable levels, the environmental NGO Din l-Art Helwa declared. In 2007, the proportion of breeding tuna was only 25% of...

10 Oct 2011

2008 Blue Campaign Photographic Competition for the Marine Environment

For the second consecutive year Din l-Art Helwa is organizing a photographic competition for the marine environment in order to raise awareness about the importance and state of the coastline and surrounding waters of the Maltese islands. This initiative constitutes part of the Blue Campaign undertaken by the heritage and environmental organization and is...

10 Oct 2011

Illegal tuna fishing persists south of Malta – Oceana

The Malta Independent, 20th June 2008, by David Lindsay – International marine conservation group Oceana yesterday reported it had collected evidence that Italian, Turkish, Tunisian and Libyan vessels continue to fish tuna with purse seine nets despite the season having been closed prematurely by the European Commission. In a statement issued yesterday, the group said that as part of its blue...

10 Oct 2011

Marine Photography Competition

In June 2007, Din l-Art Helwa organised a photographic competition with the aim of raising awareness of our marine environment, as part of Din l-Art Helwa’s Blue Campaign. Dr Stanley Farrugia Randon organised the competition, and judged the entries together with well-known photographer Kurt Arrigo and Din l-Art Helwa Council member and photographer Joe Chetcuti. At an event held at the...

30 Sep 2011

German Green MEP to visit Malta to meet Transport Minister on Ghadira road project next week 29 November 2008 Alternattiva Demokratika (AD) Chairperson Arnold Cassola announced that German Green MEP Michael Cramer, who was a specialist on transport issues and sat on the Transport Committee of the European Parliament (EP), would be in Malta next week to discuss the issue of the proposed road in Ghadira with Transport Minister Austin Gatt. Cassola said: “Since it is planned...

08 Sep 2010

The Tuna: Only the Beginning, by George Camilleri

Times of Malta, 8 September 2010 This year, the European Commission decided to close the bluefin tuna season one week earlier, recalling its purse seine fishing fleet after the catch quotas had been reached earlier than expected. This is not the good news it might appear to be because the tuna massacre is set to continue as European fishermen flying non-European...

13 May 2010

Stop killing immature swordfish!, by Stanley Farrugia Randon

Times of Malta 13 May 2010 Din l-Art Ħelwa is pleased to hear that the EU is proposing new measures to protect diminishing stocks of swordfish. According to regulations issued by ICCAT (2007/01) it is prohibited to fish for swordfish between October 1 and November 30. This will allow stocks to build up by allowing breeding and the swordfish will be...

25 Apr 2010

Hypocrisy killed the tuna, by George Camilleri

Sunday Times of Malta, 25 April 2010 The vote on the proposal to ban international trade in the Atlantic bluefin tuna was soundly defeated last month at the UN Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) meeting. Originally tabled by Monaco and supported by both the EU and the US, conservationists sought an outright ban at CITES because they are...