
21 Jan 2010

First the cod, now the bluefin tuna, by George Camilleri

Times of Malta, 21 January 2010 As has happened before, history is about to repeat itself. Back in 1992, the thriving cod fishing industry in Newfoundland, Canada came to a sudden and full stop when, at the start of the fishing season, no cod appeared. Overfishing allowed by decades of fisheries mismanagement was the main cause for this disaster that resulted...

24 Dec 2009

Responsible, strict bluefin tuna fishery, by George Camilleri

Times of Malta, 24 December 2009 In his letter Responsible, Strict Bluefin Tuna Fishery (December 16), Carmelo Agius is quite right when he says that we approach the issue differently. While we agree that socio-economic implications need to be taken into account when conservation policies are implemented, our roads then diverge. The socio-economic implications of the situation are interesting to contemplate. We should...

12 Dec 2009

Bluefin tuna could well become extinct, by George Camilleri

Times of Malta, 12 December 2009 Carmelo Agius of the University of Malta’s Biology Department (December 5) gives the impression that the “extremist” lobby campaigning for a total ban on tuna fishing is being excessively alarmist. ICCAT (the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas) recently introduced measures to counter the downward trend in bluefin tuna stocks, one of which is...

21 Nov 2009

Stop killing immature swordfish!

DLH Press Release – 21st November 2009 Din l-Art Helwa is pleased to hear that the EU is proposing new measures to protect diminishing stocks of swordfish (Xiphias gladius). We hear a lot about Bluefin Tuna and measures which are being undertaken to protect its extinction, yet swordfish will be facing the same fate in the near future if something is...

21 Aug 2009

Practices that endanger fish stocks, by Stanley Farrugia Randon

Times of Malta, Letter to the Editor, 21 August 2009 I read with interest the letter written by Mark Mifsud Bonnici entitled Illegal Fishing Rampant (August 20). Indeed illegal fishing is still rampant despite regulations. Din l-Art Ħelwa has been running a Blue Campaign for the past five years and has often spoken about this practice which is decreasing fish stock...