19/08/2023 @ 9:00 pm – 10:30 pm Europe/Malta Timezone

Our “restless” warden Paolo will guide a tour around our cemetery. Interesting stories regarding duels, suicides, murders, heroism… Dissertations about funeral and military architecture, symbols of death and even a ghost story….
You have also the chance to visit our funerary practice display. A really interesting tour that will take you back through the last four hundred years of Maltese history.
The tour will start at 21.00H, and will take one and a half hours. A maximum of 20 adults will be accepted (on a first come, first served basis).
Ticket price is €5, which includes entrance ticket, guided tour and coffee/tea/water/biscuits.
Booking is mandatory: please email: wardengor@gmail.com
The place will be candle lit and it is advisable to bring a small torch with you.