21/10/2017 @ 10:00 am – 2:30 pm Europe/Malta Timezone

Din l-Art Ħelwa is organizing this year’s fourth tour to Heritage sites and properties under its management. This tour will be going to Comino, visiting the Santa Maria Tower, where we can enjoy the 360⁰ views from the roof, including the Blue Lagoon and the islands.  We shall then walk to the Battery where participants can appreciate the refurbishment work carried out by DLĦ in the past.

Ian Camilleri a volunteer with DLĦ, will coordinate this tour in collaboration with the Gozo sub-committee.

The tour is set for the Saturday 21st October 2017 and the details are as follows:

  • A donation of euro10 paid in advance to secure booking. All proceeds go towards restoration and conservation projects. Participants will pay for the ferry tickets at the Hotel reception (return ticket euro 10).
  • Bookings will be on a first come first served basis (maximum 15 participants).
  • Ian will meet participants at Cirkewwa near Kiosk by not later than 45am.
  • The tour starts by taking the hotel ferry from Cirkewwa, departing at 10am, taking us to the Hotel where we shall then walk to the Tower.
  • At the Tower we will be welcomed by Joe (a volunteer), who will also brief us about the Tower and the environs.
  • The tour will next take the group to the Battery, and then return to the Hotel for a snack and/or drinks.
  • Tour will end not later than 2.30pm. Participants can purchase ferry tickets prior to taking the 4pm boat back to Cirkewwa.

Please be informed that there will be about 1hour of walking during this tour.  It is suggested that participants wear appropriate walking shoes and bring a bottle of water with them.

To book for this tour, please call Rosanne or Annmarie on 21225952 at DLH to reserve a place or send an e-mail to admin@dinlarthelwa.org.  To secure the reservation please forward the donation of euro10 with your booking form.  Bookings close on Wednesday18th October 2017.

Booking Form

Tour 4 – Santa MariaTower and Battery, Comino

on Saturday 21th October 2017

at 9.45am,

Meeting at the Cirkewwa Kiosk


Please reserve ……. places for the Tour

Name ……………………………………………………………….



……………………………………………… Tel.No. …………………

Name of Guests : ……………………………………………………..



I enclose a cheque for €………….. donation for the …….. reservations.

Cheques should be made payable to Din l-Art Ħelwa.