Media Articles

21 Mar 2013


 A VOTING DOCUMENT FOR THE CULTURAL AND NATURAL HERITAGE (Survey active from 12 January 2013 to 23February 2013) THIS WAS HOW YOU VOTED Stop the Building:  Prevent the despoliation of Malta’s remaining countryside, protect the landscape and public views from development and take action against illegal use of land. 1 Promote sustainable water:  Let’s face it.  The lack of water and the heavy cost of...

06 Apr 2012

Manoel Island: A Chance to Show They Care

Location is key to success in most businesses which offer custom to people. In property development it is even more so. The richest land owner in Malta is the government and this throws serious onus on our leaders to use Malta’s assets wisely. It is easy to trade Malta’s finest locations such as those overlooking...

13 Oct 2011

Farmed fish may soon replace ocean catches

Download Video here Will there be any fish left in the ocean in 2050? That’s the hook of a new US research study which claims that despite quotas set up to limit overfishing, the numbers of big fish are dropping. The catch we crave – salmon and tuna, halibut and cod, among others – may soon be a delicacy of the past,...

13 Oct 2011

Tuna wars in Maltese territory

Saturday, 12th March 2011 Talking Point Tuna wars in Maltese territory Martin Galea Our appreciation for the environment has come a long way. Certainly for many of us involved with NGOs it is much easier to get our arguments across. Everyone understands our point of view and, generally, we garner sympathy from the population at large. This has made our voice stronger. The government...

13 Oct 2011

Plans for the transformation of Fort St Elmo raise hopes

Times of Malta, 19th February 2011 Plans to transform Fort St Elmo in Valletta into a tourist venue are positive but they have to be economically viable to ensure long-term success, according to hoteliers. While welcoming the recommendations listed in the recently published draft development brief for the abandoned fort, George Micallef, president of the Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association, said it...

13 Oct 2011

‘Total elimination of ecosystem’ at Dwejra

Times of Malta, 17 October 2010, by Christian Peregin   An environment management expert has called for heads to roll over the “environmental crime” committed at Dwejra where a sand-like substance made from powdered hard stone was coated over the protected fossil-rich site for filming of a TV series. “I imagined a disaster at Dwejra but not as large as your photos show. “It...