
27 Oct 2012


The reconstruction and restoration at St Anthony’s battery Qala is now nearly complete. The upright masonry is finished and built with as much of the original old stone found on the site. The battery is now also complete of its woodwork and is looking very handsome. Read more about Qala battery here and here and here ...

30 Sep 2012


  Ongoing restoration at the Chapel of Our Lady of Victory, Valletta’s first Church. Above see the restored painting of the Angel Gabriel by the Maltese painter Alessio Erardi. Visit the Chapel to view other ongoing works and support us in preserving Malta’s artistic and historical heritage ...

26 Sep 2012


Notte Bianca is an unforgettable event of art, culture and much more. During Notte Bianca Valletta’s museums, historical buildings, private and public art galleries and other cultural institutions are open free of charge. Din l-Art Helwa is participating this year on more than one front. Our head office at 133 Melita Street will be hosting...

20 Aug 2012


  MALTESE AND FRENCH YOUTHS FOR THE RESTORATION OF MALTESE HERITAGE – 7th – 16th September 2012 at Tal-Hniena Church, Qrendi Join in our 9 day live-in and experience hands-on restoration work in a fun and stimulating environment. Open to youths aged 18 – 25 For further info contact info@dinlarthelwa.org or tel: 79372070 A Din L-Art Helwa/Union Rempart...

07 Feb 2012

Din l-Art Helwa appeals for funds

Din l-Art Helwa have launched an appeal to the general public to JOIN THE ‘VICTORY’ TEAM by donating funds to the restoration project for the Church of Our Lady of Victory. This Church is pivotal to the history of Malta being the first building and the first church of Valletta. It is therefore of immense religious and...

29 Nov 2011

Last Judgement Fresco at Bir Miftuh Restored

Thanks to the generous sponsorship from Malta International Airport plc, thirty years after the first intervention, the much needed restoration of the fresco depicting the Last Judgement, on the internal western wall, has been completed. Click here to see a slideshow of the amazing work our restorers are doing ...