The Malta Independent on Sunday, 17 July 2009

Marsovin launched its new range of La Torre wines. These wines were launched at Hastings Gardens in Valletta by the chairman of Din L-Art Helwa, Martin Galea.

La Torre is a range of wines dedicated to the towers originally built by the Knights of the order of St John. The range consists of seven wines, Chardonnay-Girgentina, Gellewza-Shiraz, Girgentina, Trebbiano, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Sauvignon Blanc. Each wine carries a different tower which is restored by Din L-Art Helwa.

Marsovin has never previously produced a mono varietal wine from its indigenous varieties, Girgentina and Gellewza. This range aims at promoting these varieties as they can only be found in Malta. Marsovin director Jeremy Cassar said that Marsovin selected only the very best Girgentina and Gellewza to produce these wines.

Marsovin has come to an agreement with Din L-Art Helwa, whereby it will donate a sum of money from the sale of every bottle of La Torre. Din L-Art Helwa will in turn use the money to restore Malta beautiful towers. Any tourists visiting the towers will be able to buy the wine from some of the towers.

Mr Cassar concluded that “Marsovin is proud of the work which Din L-Art Helwa does to restore our part of our Heritage, Marsovin feels our local heritage needs to be promoted more, by introducing a wine on the market which so blatantly supports our Heritage will in turn raise the awareness of these towers.