
21 Nov 2009

Stop killing immature swordfish!

DLH Press Release – 21st November 2009 Din l-Art Helwa is pleased to hear that the EU is proposing new measures to protect diminishing stocks of swordfish (Xiphias gladius). We hear a lot about Bluefin Tuna and measures which are being undertaken to protect its extinction, yet swordfish will be facing the same fate in the near future if something is...

12 Oct 2009

Environmental NGOs welcome Fomm ir-Rih land reclamation

Press Release 12 October 2009 The environmental NGOs Nature Trust (Malta), Flimkien ghal Ambjent Ahjar, Light Pollution Awareness Group, Din l-Art Helwa, Friends of the Earth Malta and BirdLife Malta welcome the news that Parliamentary Secretary Dr Jason Azzopardi has successfully reclaimed the area between Fomm ir-Rih and Gnejna. This sizeable tract of relatively unspoiled land and coast is not only considered...

01 Oct 2009

Talk about Quality, by Petra Bianchi

Vigilo magazine, October 2009 Plenty has been said and written about the massive amount of building development that has taken place in Malta over the last three decades or so. According to recent reports, the building frenzy may be easing off slightly, so now let us look around and see what has been...

01 Oct 2009

Problems at il-Majjistral Park, by Martin Galea

Vigilo magazine, October 2009 Two years ago I had reported that an important step to preserve our countryside had been taken. The Government had announced that the area around Xaghra il-Hamra was to be turned into a National Park. This was after consistent lobbying for over three years by Din l-Art Helwa. Perhaps recognizing this, the Government decided that we would...

26 Sep 2009

NGOs voice their concern on the Environment Enforcement Unit of MEPA

Press Release, 26 September 2009 The environmental NGOs Friends of the Earth Malta, Flimkien Ghal Ambjent Ahjar, Ramblers Association and Nature Trust (Malta), Birdlife Malta and Din l-Art Helwa have expressed their disappointment and concern as to how the Enforcement Unit within the MEPA Environment Directorate is being dismantled and officers in this unit were being distributed into other units within...

21 Aug 2009

Practices that endanger fish stocks, by Stanley Farrugia Randon

Times of Malta, Letter to the Editor, 21 August 2009 I read with interest the letter written by Mark Mifsud Bonnici entitled Illegal Fishing Rampant (August 20). Indeed illegal fishing is still rampant despite regulations. Din l-Art Ħelwa has been running a Blue Campaign for the past five years and has often spoken about this practice which is decreasing fish stock...

11 Aug 2009

‘Concerns on heritage status of Valletta’

DLH Press Release 11 August 2009 With reference to the report in the Times today ‘Concerns on heritage status of Valletta’, Din l-Art Helwa points out that it had objected to the high rise building in the Tigne project when it was first...

03 Aug 2009

NGOs request investigation of Qala permit

Press Release 3 August 2009 The DCC Board has just approved another application (PA7810/06) irregularly in a sensitive Category 1 ODZ rural settlement, this time in the eco-island (sic) of Gozo. Following so soon upon the Bahrija debacle, nine NGOs comprising Ramblers’ Association of Malta, Nature Trust, Flimkien ghal Ambjent Ahjar, Friends of the Earth, BirdLife Malta, Din l-Art Helwa, GAIA,...