
06 Jun 2007

DLH slams Mepa approval of tourist complex at Ramla Bay

6th June 2007 Din l-Art Helwa expresses its strong disapproval of today’s decision taken by the MEPA board to grant a permit for the construction of a large tourist complex in Ramla Bay, Xaghra, Gozo. The existing buildings known as ‘Ulysses Lodge’ are to be demolished and replaced with...

14 Mar 2007

‘The Shrinking Heart of our Towns and Villages’ by Petra Bianchi

John Ruskin claimed that we know more about the lives of the ancient Greeks from the ruins of their buildings than from anything else they left behind. Anyone who has visited Pompei near Naples, a town frozen in time by the scorching heat of an explosion of the volcano Vesuvius, knows the fascinating experience of being transported back into the...