Press Releases

26 Sep 2014

Protection of foreshore must continue in new Structure Plan

Press Release 26th September 2014 Din l-Art Helwa commended the unanimous decisions by the Mepa board that refused applications from two Sliema hotels to develop stretches of rocky foreshore into beach concessions and lidos.  Referring to the applications by the Preluna and Bayview Hotels Din l-Art Helwa said that it welcomed Mepa’s adherence to the current Structure Plan policies which protect...

20 Sep 2014

Din l-Art Helwa commends government for curtailing the hunting season

Press Release 20th September 2014 Din l-Art Helwa commends the government’s decision to close the hunting season following repeated instances of illegal hunting of protected birds. These persistent illegalities confirm that it is a mistake to relax hunting regulations, such as the recent removal of the 3 pm hunting curfew which was intended to protect migrating birds of prey during this period. The easing...

20 Sep 2014


Press Release 20th September 2014 Din l-Art Helwa continues to be extremely concerned that the Rural Policy and Design Guidelines as recently adopted, have not been appropriately assessed in terms of the potential negative environmental effects on our countryside. DLH favours the reuse and rehabilitation of existing legally built buildings for farming and agricultural purposes, including associated uses such as wineries, olive...

10 Sep 2014

Karmenu Vella must champion environment across EU including in Malta, says Din l-Art Helwa

Press Release 10th September 2014 Din l-Art Helwa notes that European Commissioner-designate Karmenu Vella has been assigned a portfolio which includes the Environment. While congratulating Mr Vella on his new portfolio, Din l-Art Helwa trusts that he will now devote his energy to championing environmental causes across the European Union, including in Malta where, ironically, environmental concerns rank very low on...

26 Aug 2014

The Data Protection Act cannot be used to hinder NGOs right to freedom of expression

Press Release 26 August 2014 Din l-Art Helwa expresses its concern about the recent decision by the office of the Data Protection Commissioner, as reported in the press, to charge Birdlife Malta with an alleged breach of the Data Protection Act in connection with a series of films by a British journalist during the 2014 Spring hunting season. The Data Protection Act cannot be...

23 Aug 2014

DLH proposes Red Site Notices for those seeking to sanction illegal development

Press Release 23 August 2014 News continues to be published daily in the media re the increasing number of illegal developments taking place on public land and in other areas, in particular in the countryside and on the coast.  Din l-Art Helwa is concerned about the lack of enforcement action taken by the authorities in proportion to the illegalities committed and...

15 Aug 2014

Extending hunting hours limits enjoyment of countryside and nature for families

Press Release 15th August 2014 Din l-Art Helwa is concerned by the government’s decision to again allow hunting until 7 pm in September, removing the 3 pm hunting curfew which was intended to protect migrating birds of prey during this period. Apart from the increased threat to migrating birds, extending the hunting hours limits the enjoyment of the countryside and nature...

31 Jul 2014

NGOs request Environment Minister to promote extension of protected area near White Rocks

PRESS RELEASE 31 JULY 2014 Din l-Art Helwa and Nature Trust Malta have written to the Minister for the Environment and Sustainable Development Leo Brincat, requesting him to promote and initiate any required ecological studies on the area indicated as Zone 2 in the 1995 White Rocks Development Brief (see attached map), for its potential scheduling as a Special Area of Conservation...

15 Jul 2014

Din l-Art Helwa statement on permanent transport links to Gozo

Press Release 15th July 2014 Din l-Art Helwa states that, no matter the environmental studies now being requested, a bridge to Gozo will have such negative visual and environmental impact it should never have been proposed in the first place and should be struck off the national agenda.   In particular if the bridge has to touch upon Comino or even...