
21 Aug 2008

Energy performance, by Martin Galea

Times of Malta, 21st August 2008 – George Debono in his Talking Point, Surcharge Cap Promotes Waste (August 16) argued for the removal of the surcharge capping. As one who is involved in both the environmental and business lobby I can see where he is coming from. However, there are some relevant points which need to be made. Productivity is based on...

10 Aug 2008

The chaff from the wheat, by Michael Falzon

Sunday Times of Malta, 10 August 2008 – The recent controversy on the proposed extension to the museum of St John’s Co-Cathedral raises a number of issues on the conduct of non-governmental organisations (NGOs). There is no doubt that the idea behind the proposal is genuine. Anyone in Valletta on any morning, especially when there is a cruise liner or two...

27 Jul 2008

More ODZs on virgin land, by Alan Deidun

Sunday Times of Malta, 27th July 2008 – During May, 14 per cent of outside development zone (ODZ) applications (17 out of 123) submitted to the Malta Environment and Planning Authority proposed extending the development boundaries further out onto uncommitted land. In June, such applications rose to 20 per cent (24 out of 118). The lion’s share of all ODZ applications is...

06 Jul 2008

The Mepa reform dust trap, by Petra Bianchi

Maltatoday, 6th July 2008 A new chairman of the Malta Environment and Planning Authority has been appointed. We wish him well, recognising that he has a formidable task ahead to sort out the many insidious problems lurking within the organisation that he has accepted to captain. The current problems are not of his making, but he now has the duty of trying...

06 Jul 2008

Ruinous development, by Joanna Spiteri Staines

Letter to the Sunday Times of Malta, 6th July 2008 The New York Times (June 25) carried a travelogue on Malta. As I read the blogs I came across the following; “Last month, I took my wife and three children to Malta for a week. Your story brought back some wonderful memories which are still very fresh in my mind. All you’ve said...

14 Sep 2007

‘Planningspeak’ by Rudolf Ragonesi

14th September 2007 Newspeak was coined by George Orwell in his novel Nineteen Eighty-Four to refer to the redefinition of words that would help the regime suppress opposition and freedom of speech. Orwell understood that the manipulation of language can be a key to control. Some developers today have become a very powerful force to reckon with, and some are quick...

30 Aug 2007

‘Development at Ta’ Cenc’ by Martin Galea

There are 15 persons who are appointed to sit on the board of the Malta Environment and Planning Authority. They are chosen for their skill, outlook intelligence and integrity to look after the most controversial subject in this country – planning and environment. Mepas mission statement places looking after our natural and historical heritage at the...

14 Mar 2007

‘The Shrinking Heart of our Towns and Villages’ by Petra Bianchi

John Ruskin claimed that we know more about the lives of the ancient Greeks from the ruins of their buildings than from anything else they left behind. Anyone who has visited Pompei near Naples, a town frozen in time by the scorching heat of an explosion of the volcano Vesuvius, knows the fascinating experience of being transported back into the...