Din l-Art Ħelwa is organizing a photographic competition. The aim of the competition is to raise awareness about our marine environment, and forms part of its Blue Campaign. There will be two categories of Photographs for submissions. Category A will consist of photos showing Sea Pollution or any other negative effects of human activity on the sea or coastal environment around our islands. Category B will consist of photos showing the beauty of underwater life around our islands
A prize of 500 euros is to be awarded to each of the winning entries for the two photographic categories and a prize of 250 euros will be awarded to the second placed entry of each category. Din l-Art Ħelwa will duly be publicizing the initiative in the media.
Terms and conditions for entries are described below.
Participants are to submit their entries by email to admin@dinlarthelwa.org by not later than 30 September 2021. Each photo should be submitted on a separate email with the title of the photo written as the Subject of the email.
Din l-Art Ħelwa believes that such a competition will help raise awareness of the importance of our beautiful marine and coastal environment and the necessity to protect it for future generations. We are keen to have maximum participation and wish you good luck with your entries.
The judging panel will be composed of Daniel Cilia who is a photographer by profession, Stanley Farrugia Randon who published various books on the subject and three other members of the Din l-Art Ħelwa Council.
Conditions of Participation
This Competition is open to all individuals.
- There will be two categories of Photographs for submissions:
- Category A: Photos showing Sea Pollution or any other negative effects of human activity on the sea or coastal environment around our islands.
- Category B: Photos showing the beauty of underwater life/topography around our islands.
- Each participant may submit a maximum of six photos, three for each
- Participants must have full rights on the entries submitted.
- All images must be original. By virtue of submitting an entry, the author certifies the work as his own and permits the organizers to reproduce all or part of the entered material for publication and/or display in media related to this particular event. Participants personally assume responsibility for any claim or liability arising out of the publication of their entries. The organisers categorically disclaim any liability whatsoever.
- Each photo should be submitted on a separate email with the title of the photo written as the Subject of the email.
- Prizes: A First and second Prize will be awarded for each category. No work will be eligible for more than one award.
- The organisers reserve the right to reject any entry.
- In the event of a winning work is later found to have violated any of the above conditions, the Organizers reserve the right to take any action they deem suitable, including the withdrawal of the prize awarded. In such an event, the winning position will be declared void.
- Participation in this Competition signifies acceptance of all the above conditions.
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