George Camilleri

This author Tony Cassar has created 11 entries.

25 Apr

Hypocrisy killed the tuna, by George Camilleri

Sunday Times of Malta, 25 April 2010 The vote on the proposal to ban international trade in the Atlantic bluefin tuna was soundly defeated last month at the UN Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) meeting. Originally tabled by Monaco and supported by both the EU and the US, conservationists sought an outright ban at CITES because they are...

12 Apr

Environment NGOs condemn government’s decision on spring hunting

Press Release 12 April 2010 The NGOs Din l-Art Helwa, Flimkien ghall-Ambjent Ahjar, Friends of the Earth Malta, Malta Organic Agriculture Movement, Nature Trust (Malta) and Ramblers’ Association Malta support BirdLife Malta in condemning the government’s decision to open another spring hunting season despite the European Court of Justice ruling of last September which concluded that Malta’s past Spring Hunting derogations...

08 Apr

DLH commends Mepa decision to refuse sanctioning at Dwejra

Press Release 8 April 2010 Din l-Art Helwa is pleased to note that the Malta Environment and Planning Authority has today refused 13 applications for the sanctioning of illegal structures at Dwejra. ‘This is a step in the right direction’ commented the NGO, ‘and in line with the ongoing Mepa reform which recognizes the urgent need to put an end to...

07 Apr

DLH objects to sanctioning of illegal buildings at Dwejra

DLH Press Release 7th April 2010 Din l-Art Helwa notes that several applications for the sanctioning of illegal buildings in Dwejra in Gozo are due to come up for a decision by the Mepa board tomorrow, Thursday 8th April. Several of these applications have been pending for around ten years, and Din l-Art Helwa had already objected to the sanctioning of...

05 Apr

Reaction to Piano’s proposals, by Martin Galea

Sunday Times of Malta, 5 April 2010 Letter to the Editor by Martin Galea Claire Bonello (The Sunday Times, March 21) claims that last year, when I was president of Din l-Art Ħelwa, I was taken on a trip to Paris, and lo and behold, Din l-Art Ħelwa is now in favour of Renzo Piano’s proposals for Valletta. The facts are these: I...

18 Mar

The Case for a Parliament Building, by Martin Scicluna

Times of Malta, 18 March 2010 Ever since its inception 45 years ago, Din l-Art Ħelwa’s paramount concern for the re-building of the so-called opera house site focused on the architectural heritage and aesthetic aspects of whatever has been proposed. It has not been concerned so much with what use the building should be put to, only what impact the new...

10 Mar

The Entrance to Valletta, by Petra Bianchi

Times of Malta, 10 March 2010 The entrance to Valletta is unworthy of a World Heritage city. The debate about plans for this site has raged for over 60 years and it is highly unlikely that consensus will ever be reached. Any government taking decisions on this special project must therefore expect to finally go ahead without consensus. There is no...

10 Mar

DLH explains why it will not take part in environment rally

Din l-Art Helwa Press Release 10 March 2010 ‘Rally is sadly flawed’ says the Din l-Art Helwa In a statement issued to the press, Din l-Art Helwa declared that it is in full agreement with the need for better enforcement and the urgent challenge of ameliorating the poor state of Malta’s environment, all points being raised in the stand made by the...

27 Feb

Incoming DLH President states that environment is “in shambles” and backs Valletta project

DIN L-ART HELWAPRESS RELEASE FOLLOWING Annual General Meeting 27th February 2010 Dr Petra Bianchi, newly elected executive president of Din l-Art Helwa in her address to members at the Annual General Meeting of the heritage organisation held in Valletta on Saturday 27th February 2010, urged the authorities to protect the environment and its dwindling resources. “Our environment is in shambles” said Dr...