George Camilleri

This author Tony Cassar has created 11 entries.

13 Oct

Bejn Tnejn

Interview with Maria Cassar Cassar, Executive President of Din l-Art Ħelwa ...

13 Oct


LAUNCH OF THE XIII DIN L-ART ĦELWA  ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE AWARD SCHEME 2017   The XIII Din l-Art Ħelwa Architectural Heritage Award Scheme for 2017 is now open for entries.  The Award Scheme is an initiative set up by the organisation to encourage architectural excellence in a Maltese context, the rehabilitation and reuse of old buildings, and the recognition of the dedicated work of...

16 May

Red Tower at Night

Special opportunities to take photographs of the sunset from the roof of the Red Tower in Mellieħa ...

11 May

Invitation – Tour 3 Dwejra Tower, Wied il- Meilaħ window, Cittadella Gozo

Invitation – Tour 3  Dwejra Tower, Wied il- Meilaħ window, Cittadella Gozo Din l-Art Ħelwa is organising the third tour for 2017 to Heritage sites and properties under its management. This tour will be going to Gozo, visiting Dwejra Tower enjoying the view from the roof of the Dwejra area, which includes the Fungus rock, the Inland Sea and sadly the...

12 Apr

Russian Virtuosi of Europe

Russian Virtuosi of Europe 29 April 6.30pm | Our Lady of Victory Church, Valletta International Spring Orchestra Festival For reservations please send an email to: or Tickets at €20 PROGRAMME Edward ELGAR – Serenade for Strings op.20 Arnold SCHOENBERG – Verklärte Nacht op.4 Peter Ilyich TCHAIKOVSKY – Serenade for Strings op. 48 “…Impeccable. Delicate, exquisite, technically and musically perfect and complete.” “The violinist Yuri Zhislin directs the ensemble from the leader’s desk,...