
29 Apr 2018

Bir Miftuħ lnternational Music Festival 2018

  Bir Miftuħ lnternational Music Festival 2018  The Bir Miftuħ International Music Festival, presented every spring by Din l-Art Ħelwa, at the medieval church of Santa Maria ta’ Bir Miftuħ, Gudja is a wonderful experience not to be missed by lovers of music and the heritage. 1st Concert – Friday 25th May at  7:30  p.m.  A  Mandolin and Guitar Recital by the...

01 Feb 2018

Din l-Art Ħelwa and V18

In the light of V18, Din l-Art Ħelwa was invited to be Guest NGO on the daily lunchtime magazine programme ‘FUQ NET’, presented by Mireille Bonello and Kurt Calleja on NET TV. The programme, dedicated to cultural heritage, was aired between 15-18 January 2018 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EsnLxWK2z-A&t=85s Maria Grazia Cassar, talks about Din l-Art Ħelwa and its role, with special emphasis on volunteering opportunities.   https://youtu.be/4fkGZneqwP4 Patricia Salomone...

20 Jan 2018

Volunteers needed at Dwejra Tower

         Share your passion and enthusiasm for Gozo’s unique heritage and environment by providing a warm and friendly welcome to our many visitors. Volunteering at Dwejra Tower offers you the opportunity to: Meet New People and help a great cause Work in an amazing place Be part of a friendly team Learn new skills Make a...

16 May 2017

Red Tower at Night

Special opportunities to take photographs of the sunset from the roof of the Red Tower in Mellieħa ...

18 Feb 2017

Sparkasse Bank Malta plc supports Din l-Art Helwa in salvaging Mattia Preti’s St Nicholas of Bari

                    Mattia Preti’s St. Nicholas of Bari, another masterpiece returned to its previous glory Giuseppe Mantella Restauri have completed their painstaking work on this painting which is the fourth that they have restored at the historic Sarria Church. This place of worship was commissioned by Grand Master Nicholas Cottoner to Mattia Preti, il Cavalier...

07 Feb 2017

Liat Cohen Classical Guitar Concert

liat poster A pioneer of the classical guitar renaissance and contemporary music, Liat Cohen is considered to be one of the most important guitarists in the world today.  She is the first classical guitarist to receive the Nadia and Lili...