Media Statements

27 Nov 2013

A Ministry for Over-Development?

Following its recently launched policy for building outside the development zones, the government has now issued its draft regulations on high buildings, known as the Floor Area Ratio policy. With its drive for land reclamation and the promotion of so-called ‘landmark’ high-rise buildings, the government’s vision for Malta appears to be based on the urban landscape of Dubai, says environment...

23 Nov 2013

Din l-Art Helwa deplores threats made by Ta’ Cenc developers – UPDATED

Din l-Art Helwa stands full square behind its Council Member Stanley Farrugia Randon who was subjected to bullying tactics by Ta’ Cenc developers at a Mepa hearing yesterday which ended with police intervention.   Dr Farrugia Randon was attending a Mepa Board hearing during which the board unanimously refused the permit for the erection of a gate at Ta’ Kantra prohibiting public access over the rocky inlet at Mgarr ix Xini, in...

23 Nov 2013

Citizens to march in defence of the environment

Environment groups and citizens concerned that Government is not fulfilling its obligations to defend their right to a healthy environment are to raise their voices in protest against the introduction of new planning regulations that relax building restrictions and will bring further over-development of the country. A protest march organised on Saturday 30 November in Valletta will demand that government...

03 Nov 2013

The government shows no intention of protecting the environment

Press Release – 3rd November 2013 The new government has been in place for eight months, and so far the only direction for the environment seems to be to exploit and use it to the maximum, says Din l-Art Helwa.  There is an emerging scenario in which it is evident that it is now only the NGOs left to champion the...

30 Oct 2013

Mistra Village project design not acceptable, says Din l-Art Helwa

The proposed Mistra Village project lies on a ridge and will have a huge and permanent visual impact on the surrounding area, states Din l-Art Helwa, adding that that no high-rise buildings should be constructed on ridges.  The organisation is set firmly against this project in principle and finds its design ordinary, and against the...

27 Oct 2013

Din l-Art Helwa demands that outline permit for Mistra Village development is revoked

Press Release – 26th October 2013 NGO invokes Article 77 of the Environment and Planning Act Din L-Art Helwa intends to stand its ground regarding the outline permit for the redevelopment of MistraVillage at Xemxija, a project which the organisation describes as ‘monstrous’.  Din l-Art Helwa has written to the Mepa Board  stating that the approval of...

14 Sep 2013

ODZ and building height policy revisions will have huge impact on environment – Din l-Art Helwa repeats call for extension of consultation time-frames

Press Release 14th September 2013 Din l-Art Helwa is highly concerned that the government is formulating the objectives of key planning policies without giving environmental NGOs and the general public adequate opportunity to participate. These objectives will affect existing rules on construction outside the development zone (ODZ), and building heights. It is unacceptable that the government is choosing to conduct such an important process, with far-reaching impacts on our landscape and natural environment, in a manner...

10 Sep 2013

Time-frame for ODZ public consultation too short

Press Release 10th September 2013 Din l-Art Helwa has requested the Malta and Environment Planning Authority to extend its time-frames which give members of the public only one week to react and place submissions with regards to the objectives of the review of the Policy and Design Guidance announced two days ago by MEPA. These will affect and relax current policies on Outside...