
21 Feb 2015

Valletta deserves better, by Maria Grazia Cassar

Open air markets are an intrinsic element of most European cities. The Campo dei Fiori market in Rome is one such market; selling all sorts of things including cheeses, flowers, aprons and other wares. The temporary stalls are simple and the square works for a market, with the surrounding shops and trattorie benefiting from the vibrancy generated by the market. What...

09 Jan 2015

Interviews with Guido Bonett and Alfred E. Baldacchino – Save the Countryside campaign

ENVIRONMENTALISTS ARGUE WEAKNESS OF GOVERNMENTS ON ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES 22nd December 2014 – the Malta Independent Read the full article in the online edition here. “The environment is nothing but a buzzword for politicians on both sides, a buzzword used by them to sound nice and be popular”, Environment photographer Guido Bonett told The Malta Independent. “In my opinion, we...

03 Jan 2015

Invitation to Dialogue, by Simone Mizzi

It is good news for the environment to hear the Prime Minister say that one lesson he learnt from 2014 is that more dialogue is needed with environmentalists.    This is a good New Year’s resolution and better late than never from a government who promises to listen.    Din l-Art Helwa will work to encourage this dialogue and starts by asking...

22 Dec 2014

Tweaking of boundaries remains unjustified, by Simone Mizzi

Out of development zones and with them, our countryside and rural areas are due to shrink again, if, according to Dr Michael Falzon, Parliamentary Secretary in charge of Planning,  government carries out tough decisions to enact yet another rationalization exercise to further extend building areas already expanded in 2006. Many of us believe that a truly courageous and tough decision by...

16 Dec 2014

Interview with Alan Deidun – Save the Countryside

  Dumping used as a scheme by developers to get permits 16th December 2014 Garbage dumped in green areas is sometimes used as part of a hidden scheme by developers in order to get permission to build up those areas, Professor Alan Deidun tells Kevin Schembri Orland Developers are dumping in green areas to degrade the area to help facilitate...

22 Nov 2014

‘More foresight for foreshore’ by Stanley Farrugia Randon

22nd November 2014 The foreshore is a unique ecological resource which supports various activities that are intensely related to the well-being of a community. Unfortunately, the Maltese islands do not have large coastal areas which are easily accessible to the public. Besides being small, much of the western coast is made up of cliffs. Many mistakes have been made in the past when...

20 Nov 2014

‘Quest to save countryside’ by Martin Galea

20th November 2014 When talking about what defines Malta as a nation we must look at what is in our psyche, because identity is a state of mind at a particular point in time. We could refer to our language, our common history, our festas and the legacy of our rich built heritage, which runs from the prehistoric temples to modern...

08 Nov 2014

Plan for the Environment – Interview with Petra Caruana Dingli

Interview in the Malta Independent 3rd November 2011   Strategic plan for the environment and development ignored feedback – Petra Caruana Dingli Last week, Din L-Art Helwa wrote an open letter addressed to the Prime Minister stating that the government’s ‘Strategic Plan for the Environment and Development’ did not meet expectations. Speaking with Malta Independent journalist Kevin Schembri Orland, Council member Petra Caruana...