
16 Feb 2014

‘Where is the master plan?’ by Simone Mizzi

Well, we are all saying it. NGOs are pleading for it. A public rally dema-n­ded it. The Guardian for Future Generations, the Church Commission for the Environment and environmentalists have spoken out to the same end. Din l-Art Ħelwa has taken the issue to the Parliamentary Committee for Environment and Development Planning. And now… even the President of the Malta Developers Association...

27 Jan 2014

And what if something does go wrong?, by George Camilleri

Accidents happen. Just look at the recent Fukushima nuclear disaster or the Jolly Nero cargo ship that ploughed inexplicably into the Genoa port control tower, or the 9/11 world trade centre terrorist attack or even the infamous Chernobyl meltdown. The new gas-fired Delimara Power Station looks more and more like a rushed job aimed to fulfill an electoral promise. This is...

27 Dec 2013

Where is Fred Flintstone, by George Camilleri

Fred Flintstone shrugs on his animal skin coat, grabs some breakfast, pecks Wilma on the cheek and picking up his spear trots off to kill supper. In the evening, Fred drags supper back to the cave for Wilma to cook up. Back then, that was the only way he could feed his family since agriculture hadn’t been invented yet, so...

29 Nov 2013

Government: Slow Down your Haste, by Simone Mizzi

The Environment Minister has stated his intent that there should be a true environment watchdog when we have a Malta Environment and Planning Authority with a mission statement that dictates it does just that. He stresses the need to heed NGOs as they ‘are the conscience of the environment’, when we have a Minister for the Environment elected to be just...

24 Oct 2013

Building, Building Everywhere, by Simone Mizzi

23rd October 2013 The Government is driving the country towards another building bonanza with fast-fisted fury.  Several proposals are set to impact piecemeal on all areas of Malta and Gozo and without an overall strategy in place.  New policies to permit all sorts of building in the countryside are imminent as well as a revision in local plans.   An increase in...

14 Oct 2013

ODZ: our development zone, by George Camilleri

11th October 2013 The Malta Environment and Planning Authority is in the process of redefining the basic policies that identify what sort of development will be permissible in outside development zone areas. One of the objectives being proposed by Mepa to guide the formulation of the new ODZ policies is to “ensure a balance between the protection of the environment and development...

24 Aug 2013

‘Let’s have more Green Talk’, by Simone Mizzi

24th August 2013 Every year, Din l-Art Ħelwa submits heritage and nature protection recommendations for consideration in the Budget to the Ministry of Finance. It is satisfying that some ideas were implemented by the previous Administration such as incentives to regenerate urban conservation areas promoting reuse and restoration of scheduled buildings. Schemes similar to Investi f’Darek (invest in your home) could be...