George Camilleri

This author Tony Cassar has created 11 entries.

10 Oct

Abbatija tad-Dejr Catacombs

      A Partnership Agreement has been signed with Heritage Malta for the restoration of the site of Abbattija tad-Dejr Catacombs in Rabat. The strategic objectives are to safeguard the Catacombs for the enjoyment of future generations, to provide physical and intellectual access to this site for the enjoyment of different audiences, to contribute to the improvement and...

10 Oct


Kindly Sponsored by Malta International Airport plc  Thirty years after the first intervention, the much needed restoration of the fresco depicting the Last Judgement, on the internal westernwall, has been completed. This work was generously sponsored by M.I.A. p.l.c., who have been involved with the restoration of the church ofBir Miftuh since...

10 Oct

FIMBank sponsor preservation of Maglio Garden Monuments

FIMBank will be sponsoring the conservation of the nine monuments which adorn the Maglio Gardens in Floriana, better known to the Maltese as “il-Mall”. The project will be coordinated by Din l-Art Helwa. The Maglio Gardens date to the time of Grand Master Lascaris (1636-1657), and it is recorded that he built these as a recreational area for the knights, where...