George Camilleri

This author Tony Cassar has created 11 entries.

17 Feb

Xutu Tower

HISTORY AND RESTORATION OF TA’ XUTU TOWER The small watch towers guarding the coastline of Malta and Gozo are historic treasures. Most of them were built by the Order of the Knights of St John to strengthen the defence of our islands or to act simply as look-out posts....

16 Feb


  The Heritage Parks Federation, on behalf of Din l-Art Ħelwa Għawdex, is calling on the government to set up the first nature park in Gozo. The Federation has been constructively discussing with the Gozo Regional Development Agency and the Environment and Resources Agency (ERA) about the possibility to create such a nature park based at Ta’...

21 Jan


The scenic Dwejra Tower in Gozo, held in guardianship by Din l-Art Helwa, is to undergo a major restoration as part of the ‘The Northern Coastal Watch’ project, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund Operational Programme 2014 – 2020 and the Malta Tourism Authority.  Din l-Art Helwa regrets the tower will be closed...

14 Jan

L-Aħrax Tower

L-Aħrax Tower White Tower, Ta’ Ħoslien, Ta’ Eslien, Torre Biancha   by Stanley Farrugia Randon   The L-Aħrax Tower was the sixth tower to be constructed of the 13 towers which Grand Master Martin de Redin ordered to be built from his own expense during the first two years of his brief three-year reign. These are, in sequence North East to...