
06 Mar 2014

Delimara Decision scheduled for 24 March on location of gas storage tanker at Delimara is premature says DLH: risk analysis is incomplete

Press Release 5th March 2014 Din l-Art Helwa is concerned that options for the possible locations of the new gas storage tanker at Delimara have not all been assessed in detail. In a long-term project of major national importance, it is expected that all options are seriously assessed but this has not been done. In the race to meet deadlines, the planning authority is now ready to accept the location of...

27 Dec 2013

Where is Fred Flintstone, by George Camilleri

Fred Flintstone shrugs on his animal skin coat, grabs some breakfast, pecks Wilma on the cheek and picking up his spear trots off to kill supper. In the evening, Fred drags supper back to the cave for Wilma to cook up. Back then, that was the only way he could feed his family since agriculture hadn’t been invented yet, so...

04 Dec 2013

Rejection of Commissioner’s findings indicates that government has no intention of protecting the environment

Press Release 4th December 2013 Din l-Art Helwa has expressed its disappointment at the outright rejection by Parliamentary Secretary for Planning Dr Michael Farrugia of the report of the Commissioner for Environment and Planning following his investigation into the procedures that led to the granting of permits for the redevelopment of Mistra Village.   The Commissioner found that the NGO was justified when it instigated its request to revoke the planning decisions by Mepa that are...

07 Sep 2013

Environmental Impact Assessment for gas-fired power station is unsatisfactory as it still lacks the required details

PRESS RELEASE 7th September 2013 Din l-Art Helwa has received the draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the new gas-fired power plant at Delimara for review. It has pointed out to MEPA that this Environmental Impact Assessment cannot be considered complete until further details of this major project are made available for assessment. An Environmental Impact Assessment should ensure that both the authorities...

07 Sep 2013

Delimara Power Station – DLH Response to Draft Environmental Impact Statement

[EIS Review Consultation] – EA 00014/13: Delimara Gas and Power – CCGT(Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Power Plant) and LNG (Liquified Natural Gas)Receiving, Storage and Regasification Facilities, at, Delimara, Marsaxlokk 7th September 2013 Din l-Art Helwa has submitted comments to the Malta Environment and Planning Authority on the Draft EIS for the proposed Delimara CCGT power plant and LNG Facilities, as part of...

22 Jun 2013

Press Release – Delimara power station

22 June 2013 Din l-Art Helwa has submitted comments to MEPA as part of the ongoing EIA Scoping on the conversion to gas of the Delimara power station. Din l-Art Helwa is in favour of operating the Delimara power station using gas instead of heavy fuel oil, due to the better environmental performance of gas. Din l-Art Helwa notes that the importation...

21 Jun 2013

Delimara Power Station – DLH Response to EIA Scoping

[EIA Scoping] – EA 14/13 – Delimara Gas and Power – CCGT (Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Power Plant) and LNG (Liquified Natural Gas) Receiving, Storage and Regasification Facilities, at, Delimara, Marsaxlokk Din l-Art Helwa Response to MEPA – 21 June 2013 Assessment of Alternatives – Din l-Art Helwa is in favour of operating the Delimara power...