Save the Countryside

16 Aug 2019

Authorities dragging their feet over fuel stations

PRESS RELEASE Din l-Art Helwa notes that the saga on the fuel station relocation policy goes on, with the risk that yet more land outside development zone is lost to the unquenchable thirst for such facilities whilst a proper policy is being drawn up. The preparation of the update of the fuel stations policy was first announced in January 2018. Sixteen...

04 Jul 2019

Crowdfunding Initiative to appeal against further development in Dwejra

PRESS RELEASE Din l-Art Helwa is most concerned about the recent decision to allow further development of a catering establishment at Dwejra on Gozo, which is a Natura 2000 site, a Dark Sky Heritage area, and also a Designated Special Protection Area under the Wild Birds Directive. Following the decision by the Environment and Planning...

29 Mar 2019

Din l-Art Helwa supports protest outside Planning Authority

Press Release Din l-Art Helwa expresses its support for the aims of the direct action by Moviment Graffiti, who are currently camping outside the Planning Authority’s premises in Floriana. The protest rightly highlights the PA’s failure to amend the fuel service station policy. Din l-Art Helwa joins the protesters in slamming the Planning Authority’s utter incompetence, by having failed to provide a...

17 Jun 2016

Abandoned rural buildings

by Stanley Farrugia Randon Our islands are riddled with abandoned rural buildings which are a gem of architecture. They vary from farmhouses to small rooms used for storing agricultural implements. Most of them still boast of original features of vernacular architecture and the attentive eye can still spot the xorok, the kileb, the roundels...