Press Releases

13 Dec 2014

X Din l-Art Helwa Awards for Architectural Heritage 2014

Din l-Art Helwa has announced the winners of its 2014 Architectural Heritage Awards Scheme organized with the support of the Kamra tal-Periti.  Now in its tenth edition, the Din l-Art Helwa Awards Scheme is intended to give public recognition toprojects that contribute to architectural excellence in a Maltese context through the rehabilitation and reuse of built heritage and encourage those active in its...

01 Dec 2014

Prime Minister Answers the ‘Six Presidents Open Letter’ from Din l-Art Ħelwa

PRIME MINISTER ANSWERS THE OPEN LETTER FROM DIN L-ART ĦELWA The Prime Minister has confirmed that the new Strategic Plan will be brought before Parliament for debate and approval and that there is no intention to amend legislation which will enable approval by the Minister alone.   This was confirmed by the Prime Minister in his response of the 17th November to...

25 Nov 2014

Din l-Art Helwa again requests copy of Gozo bridge feasibility study

Press Release – 25th November 2014 Information about the permanent link to Gozo has not been handled in a transparent manner, says Din l-Art Helwa. In August of this year the organisation had requested the government to make the feasibility study on the proposed Gozo bridge by China Communications Construction Company available to the public. Yet despite information being given to the media...

09 Oct 2014

Din l-Art Helwa requests government to publish Nautical Risk Assessment for gas storage vessel at Marsaxlokk

Press Release 9th October 2014 In December last year, Transport Malta had confirmed that a full nautical risk assessment would be carried out on the proposed gas storage tanker to be berthed at Delimara. A nautical risk assessment studies the possible impacts that the gas storage tanker and its supply ships could have on nautical traffic within this bay, including on recreational...