Press Releases

04 Jul 2019

Crowdfunding Initiative to appeal against further development in Dwejra

PRESS RELEASE Din l-Art Helwa is most concerned about the recent decision to allow further development of a catering establishment at Dwejra on Gozo, which is a Natura 2000 site, a Dark Sky Heritage area, and also a Designated Special Protection Area under the Wild Birds Directive. Following the decision by the Environment and Planning...

13 May 2019

Undeclared plans of Cold War facility underneath St. George’s Barracks revealed – NGOs request Emergency Conservation Order

Joint NGO Press Statement 11/05/19   Following the Planning Authority’s approval of the db Group project in St. George’s Bay last year, three local councils, several NGOs and residents came together to appeal the decision.   Now plans and evidence have come to light showing the existence of an underground Cold War bunker created to house a sub-station in the 1950s,...

30 Apr 2019

Din l-Art Helwa Press Release 27 April 2019

Din l-Art Helwa condemns the decision by the Planning Board to grant a permit to a new petrol station in Burmarrad.  This decision is especially objectionable since the government has already accepted that the fuel stations policy is flawed and requires revision. The government has however failed to provide a sound and timely policy review on the relocation of fuel stations...

27 Apr 2019

Din l-Art Helwa condemns Burmarrad fuel station permit

Din l-Art Helwa Press Release 27 April 2019   Din l-Art Helwa condemns the decision by the Planning Board to grant a permit to a new petrol station in Burmarrad.  This decision is especially objectionable since the government has already accepted that the fuel stations policy is flawed and requires revision. The government has however failed to provide a sound and timely policy review on...

29 Mar 2019

Din l-Art Helwa supports protest outside Planning Authority

Press Release Din l-Art Helwa expresses its support for the aims of the direct action by Moviment Graffiti, who are currently camping outside the Planning Authority’s premises in Floriana. The protest rightly highlights the PA’s failure to amend the fuel service station policy. Din l-Art Helwa joins the protesters in slamming the Planning Authority’s utter incompetence, by having failed to provide a...

22 Mar 2019

DLH slams MDA proposal to ‘reassign’ floor area to further boost construction

PRESS RELEASE Din l-Art Helwa is firmly opposed to the latest proposal by the Malta Developers Association, which, as reported in the media, effectively requests the Prime Minister to facilitate construction in locations, or on scales which are currently not permitted, with the claimed objective of protecting urban conservation areas. At the MDA’s annual general meeting earlier this year, their president had...

18 Mar 2019

Alex Torpiano is Din l-Art Helwa’s new Executive President

   Professor Alex Torpiano Professor Alex Torpiano has been appointed the new Executive President of Din l-Art Helwa.  Following the organisation’s recent Annual General Meeting, members elected the new Council and the officials who are to lead the voluntary heritage and environment NGO into 2021.  Simone Mizzi has been appointed Secretary General, and Martin Scicluna, former head...

28 Jun 2018

Demand for holistic urban sustainable development and green transport projects

We are a group of environmental NGOs, voluntary organisations and active citizens who wish to voice our concerns in unison and feel the urgent need to put forward an alternative vision to the way urban development and transport projects are being planned and executed. We believe piecemeal projects such as the Kappara Junction, Marsa Junction, and the Central Link Project,...