
11 Jul 2015

‘Heritage saved forever, for all’

by Simone Mizzi Fifty years ago, on July 9, Din l-Art Ħelwa was founded with the aim of saving our nation’s heritage, our open spaces and natural environment. Today, 50 years later, Din l-Art Ħelwa’s volunteers are still working tirelessly to uphold these values. Our mission, “to protect Malta’s beauty in the towns and villages, in the countryside and by the sea”,...

23 Jun 2015

The colour is now green

by Simone Mizzi The writing is on the wall, and its colour is green. The mounting tide of the green voter is evident and has been so ever since the anti-spring hunting referendum was lost by a mere 1,111 votes last April, swung by last minute desperado political intervention on the part of our national leader despite the many promises to...

19 Jun 2015

Moving out of the glasshouse

by Petra Caruana Dingli The government cannot hope to safeguard its environmental reputation just by pointing out the faults of others. If the Opposition, the Curia,NGOs, or now even the general public, say anything in favour of the environment, they are immediately shot down with a comparison to past misdeeds, or to their silence on comparable issues. People who live in glasshouses should...

29 May 2015

Listen to us, by Martin Galea

This year the National Trust of England, Wales and Northern Ireland celebrates 50 years of Operation Neptune. Set up in 1965 as a reaction to the increasing development along the coastline, the launch was enthusiastically taken up and captured the imagination of people in Britain who were keen to save their beautiful heritage. Money was quickly collected and the government chipped...

14 Apr 2015

Now hear the better half

So again the countryside is to be overrun by an army of gun wielding bird stalkers who will continue to decimate endangered species till there are none left to kill. ...

02 Apr 2015

‘Rights of Spring’

There are many of us ashamed of this wish to kill and who cringe at the thought that the authorities can allow a practice that utterly disgraces our nation’s honour. ...

19 Mar 2015

Throwing away our heritage, by Maria Grazia Cassar

What a pity, what a shame! Another old building is about to be demolished. It will be gone forever, the irreplaceable loss of the historic urban fabric of the important Naxxar village core. Such news makes one feel impotent in the face of the destructive onslaught of greed, where developers will stop at nothing to make a fast buck. One also feels...