Environment/ Planning Matters

13 May 2019

Undeclared plans of Cold War facility underneath St. George’s Barracks revealed – NGOs request Emergency Conservation Order

Joint NGO Press Statement 11/05/19   Following the Planning Authority’s approval of the db Group project in St. George’s Bay last year, three local councils, several NGOs and residents came together to appeal the decision.   Now plans and evidence have come to light showing the existence of an underground Cold War bunker created to house a sub-station in the 1950s,...

27 Apr 2019

Din l-Art Helwa condemns Burmarrad fuel station permit

Din l-Art Helwa Press Release 27 April 2019   Din l-Art Helwa condemns the decision by the Planning Board to grant a permit to a new petrol station in Burmarrad.  This decision is especially objectionable since the government has already accepted that the fuel stations policy is flawed and requires revision. The government has however failed to provide a sound and timely policy review on...

22 Mar 2019

DLH slams MDA proposal to ‘reassign’ floor area to further boost construction

PRESS RELEASE Din l-Art Helwa is firmly opposed to the latest proposal by the Malta Developers Association, which, as reported in the media, effectively requests the Prime Minister to facilitate construction in locations, or on scales which are currently not permitted, with the claimed objective of protecting urban conservation areas. At the MDA’s annual general meeting earlier this year, their president had...

04 May 2018

Our Legacy – Wirtna 18/04/2018

We spend most of our lives within the built environment, be it at home, at a place of work, or whilst participating in education, business or relaxation. The state of the built environment has a major impact on the quality of life of all the citizens of these islands. Rapid changes are taking place, dramatically and irreversibly transforming the distinctive architectural...

13 Mar 2018

An incinerator comes to town, by Petra Caruana Dingli

Our ancestors in centuries gone by did not throw things away. They used and re-used whatever they could. An unintended consequence of rising living standards since the 1960s is the increased generation of waste. Affluence creates more rubbish than poverty. People buy and consume more products and packaging, and discard much more. Nowadays many items are even specifi­cally intended for single...