
03 Mar 2021


DIN L-ART ĦELWA ANNOUNCES WINNERS OF XV EDITION ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE AWARDS On the 26th February, the award ceremony for the XV edition of the Din l-Art Ħelwa Awards for Architectural Heritage took place at Our Lady of Victory Church, Valletta. The prizes were presented by the Honorable Clayton Bartolo, Minister for Tourism and Consumer Protection, who congratulated the winners on their...

01 Dec 2020

Hal Ferħ – Government approves Government proposal

On Monday 30th November, the Environment and Development Planning Parliamentary Committee approved the proposal by the Planning Authority to make a partial change to the 2006 North West Local Plan, and to the 2008 Hal Ferħ Development Brief, to allow permanent residences within the Hal Ferħ complex. A number of NGOs had highlighted the incongruity of the Planning...

25 Nov 2020

The farce has to stop – Alex Torpiano

The Planning Authority farce of protecting heritage buildings while burying them under multi-storey extensions is changing into a tragedy. The misguided concept of protecting Grade 2 scheduled properties but allowing them to be overpowered by multi-storey extensions, perched on top of the ‘protected’ facades, has been called out many times by Din l-Art Ħelwa, and others. The debacle in Spinola...

25 Nov 2020

Old windmills under threat – Joanna Spiteri Staines

Windmills are an iconic part of our landscape and appear as prominent buildings within many of our historic towns. Most of these windmills were built during the period of the Knights in order to help with food production, although some of these windmills were also utilised for the production of gunpowder. The location of these windmills is such that they capture the...

19 Oct 2020

Din l-Art Helwa welcomes reversal of decision by PA

Press Release Din l-Art Ħelwa notes with satisfaction that the Planning Authority has reversed a previous decision to prevent the publication of information on applications for major projects until the completion of an Environmental Impact Assessment, or until the relative documentation was deemed to be complete. The decision of the Planning Authority to withhold this information from the public realm was considered...

10 Oct 2020

E-NGOs file court action against Ahrax and Mizieb Agreements

9 October 2020 ENGOs file court action against Ahrax and Mizieb Agreements Several NGOs and individuals have filed a judicial protest against Minister Ian Borg, Parliamentary Secretary Chris Agius and the Lands Authority for authorising an agreement which would see large tracts of land at L-Ahrax and Mizieb being granted to the FKNK under some form of concessionary agreement. The NGOs slammed the...

09 Sep 2020

An open letter to Aaron Farrugia – Godfrey Swain

  Dear minister Aaron Farrugia, if you have ever had the pleasure of driving into San Lawrenz from the north-west approach from Għarb through the hamlet of San Pietru you will be rewarded with a picturesque, beautiful village skyline reminiscent of a time gone by as you enter the village through Triq Il-Wileġ, a...