Petra Caruana Dingli

Petra's blog follows events and news on the rural and urban environment, and on cultural heritage - mostly in Malta

25 Feb

Hamlet goes to Delimara

by Petra Caruana Dingli In Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet discovers that his old friends Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are carrying a letter with orders against him. He secretly changes the wording and instead they end up delivering a letter with instructions against themselves. Hamlet compares this to having “the engineer hoist with his own petard”. This phrase is still...

18 Feb

Bread, circuses and Mattia Preti

by Petra Caruana Dingli Whenever I hear about the truckload of events being laid on by the government this year to celebrate a range of anniversaries and occasions, the Roman poet Juvenal’s famous ‘bread and circuses’ line pops up. As you will know, in his Satires Juvenal linked ‘panem et circenses’ to the situation in Rome where...

27 Jan

The Delimara gas tanker

by Petra Caruana Dingli This morning in the article ‘Safety concerns mean further energy studies’, the Times of Malta focuses on risk and safety concerns about the proposed location of the gas storage vessel at the new Delimara power station. According to the Times, Enemalta agrees that further risk assessment is needed, but will do it after...

17 Jan

Noise and building heights in Marsaxlokk

It is obvious that if you construct buildings with mixed and perhaps incompatible uses next to each other, this is likely to lead to eternal conflicts and dissatisfaction between neighbours. Finding a way to co-exist can be very difficult. That is the principle behind locating certain types of developments outside urban areas, such as large farms...

04 Jan

The Delimara Chimney

Over the last year, the planned removal of the large chimney stack at the Delimara power station, built in the early 1990s, has been promoted as a significant event. It has been announced repeatedly in the press that this particular ‘ugly chimney’ is going to be demolished. The expected removal of the chimneys belching smoke at...

08 Dec

After the rally

by Petra Caruana Dingli Hundreds of people gathered in Valletta yesterday to demonstrate their concerns about the future of the environment in Malta. The main fears are relentless over-development and the resulting air pollution, and the loss of the countryside. This event is no trivial matter. Street protests do not take place often in Malta. There are...

23 Nov

The alarm bell

by Petra Caruana Dingli In an editorial about the recent decision of the planning appeals tribunal to overturn the MEPA board’s refusal of the Portomaso application in 2012, this week Maltatoday wrote: “Even if the decision includes strong legal arguments based on the inclusion of the site in the local plans issued in 2006,...