Save the Countryside

12 Jun 2016

Wied Ghomor

by Joanna Spiteri Staines Hats off to a unanimous decision by the Planning Authority board, chaired by Vince Cassar, in refusing the so called “rehabilitation of a quarry in Wied Għomor” to be used as an old people’s home. It is indeed heartening to see an entire board of people from different bodies and representing different interests coming together to protect the...

15 May 2016

Wied Ghomor & Zonqor

by Petra Caruana Dingli It is welcome news that the Planning Authority board has refused to grant a permit for a large development in Wied Għomor valley. It is especially positive that the board listened to many residents and NGOs. The environmental lobby can easily slip into feeling that it is talking to the wall. Many of its concerns are routinely...

13 Apr 2016

National Parks for Malta

Malta is a beautiful country. it is a small country and it is also one of the most populous countries in the world. This makes what we have all the more precious. Our countryside is quite spectacular in its variety. From tilled fields and lush valleys to harsh plains or xagħri, the countryside changes and develops with surprising rapidity. It is...

29 Feb 2016

Tourism and the countryside

by Petra Caruana Dingli In an interview with The Sunday Times of Malta last week, the Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association president spoke of the success of the tourism industry. He emphasised the need for good public transport, better roads and more training. Apparently 2015 was a record year, with 1.8 million tourists. This is partly attributed to the current problems in...