
29 Mar 2019

Din l-Art Helwa supports protest outside Planning Authority

Press Release Din l-Art Helwa expresses its support for the aims of the direct action by Moviment Graffiti, who are currently camping outside the Planning Authority’s premises in Floriana. The protest rightly highlights the PA’s failure to amend the fuel service station policy. Din l-Art Helwa joins the protesters in slamming the Planning Authority’s utter incompetence, by having failed to provide a...

22 Mar 2019

DLH slams MDA proposal to ‘reassign’ floor area to further boost construction

PRESS RELEASE Din l-Art Helwa is firmly opposed to the latest proposal by the Malta Developers Association, which, as reported in the media, effectively requests the Prime Minister to facilitate construction in locations, or on scales which are currently not permitted, with the claimed objective of protecting urban conservation areas. At the MDA’s annual general meeting earlier this year, their president had...

18 Mar 2019

Alex Torpiano is Din l-Art Helwa’s new Executive President

   Professor Alex Torpiano Professor Alex Torpiano has been appointed the new Executive President of Din l-Art Helwa.  Following the organisation’s recent Annual General Meeting, members elected the new Council and the officials who are to lead the voluntary heritage and environment NGO into 2021.  Simone Mizzi has been appointed Secretary General, and Martin Scicluna, former head...

11 Mar 2019

Press Conference : An informed discussion on the Malta-Gozo tunnel has yet to start

Press Conference 09/03/2019 Whilst fully acknowledging the need to address mobility challenges experienced by Gozitan workers and students, we express our disagreement with declarations that the discussion about the Malta-Gozo tunnel is closed and that we are now at an ‘implementation stage’. The discussion has not even begun as there is currently a total lack of studies and information on the...

05 Mar 2019

Joint Press Statement – A policy prohibiting ODZ fuel stations should be implemented at once

Eleven NGOs are indignant at the Planning Authority’s failure to revise the current fuel stations policy and at comments indicating that, when revised, the new policy might still allow ODZ fuel stations. The lengthy saga concerning the highly controversial 2015 Fuel Service Stations Policy seems destined to continue as one year and two months have passed since the review was promised...

05 Mar 2019

Interview: ‘Traditional streetscapes will soon only be seen in coffee table books’

Din L-Art Ħelwa’s outgoing president reflects on the state of Malta’s environment Four years down the line, outgoing Din l-Art Ħelwa executive president Maria Grazia Cassar finds herself repeating the same gripes in the face of development and destruction: too much, too fast. But she also knows that the worst thing would be to give up. From when you took on...

01 Mar 2019

Significant win in the fight against the db Group project on the ITS site

Today’s decision of the Environment and Planning Review Tribunal is a significant win in the fight against the monstrous db Group project on the ITS site. Whilst we express our disappointment with the Tribunal’s decision to uphold the permit given by the Planning Authority (PA), we positively note that this permit will, for now, remain suspended, meaning that works cannot...

25 Jan 2019

Video clip highlights PA’s inaction over fuel stations policy

Video clip highlights PA’s inaction over fuel stations policy Moviment Graffitti has just released a short video clip to highlight the Planning Authority’s (PA) failure to review the Fuel Service Station Policy. This policy incentivizes massive commercial complexes, under the guise of fuel stations, on agricultural and natural land designated as ODZ. A year has passed from the Environment’s Minister declaration that the...