
19 May 2016

Draft Regulations on the Regularisation of Buildings

DIN L-ART HELWA COMMENTS SENT TO THE PLANNING AUTHORITY: The Planning Authority Talking point dated 06.05.2016 informed the public that The scope of these regulations is to introduce the procedures and parameters by which development which are not covered by development permission may be regularised. The Regulations also specify the submission requirements which an application under these Regulations need to fulfil, including...

04 Nov 2015

Debate on the countryside

by Martin Galea Last week I attended the Save the Countryside debate organised by Din L-Art Ħelwa at the Old University building in Valletta. The panel looked set for the mother of all battles – Michael Falzon, Parliamentary Secretary for Planning, and Malta Developers Association president Sandro Chetcuti on one side, and shadow minister for the environment Marthese Portelli, Marlene Farrugia, Labour...

18 Jun 2015

Redrafted Structure Plan increases loopholes in favour of development – DLH

Press Release – Tuesday 16 June, 2015 During yesterday’s appeal by 21 NGOs to the general public to attend the rally in favour of the environment on Saturday 20th June, Simone Mizzi, Din l-Art Helwa President, said the issue of Zonqor Point is a symptom of a much deeper disorder that is set to decrease the protection afforded to out...

27 Apr 2015

Coalition against Spring Hunting welcomes closure of hunting season

The Coalition Against Spring Hunting has welcomed the decision by the Prime Minister to close the hunting season following the appalling events of today, when a shot kestrel fell into the playing field of St Edwards’ College. The Coalition condemned in no uncertain terms the insistence of some on carrying out such atrocious acts, and commends the PM for not hesitating...

24 Apr 2015

Environment Coalition takes up position after referendum

The environmental Coalition Against Spring Hunting (CASH), which was formed 22 months ago to take action against spring hunting through a referendum, which culminated in the Coalition’s SHout NO campaign, came together during these last days to assess the results and determine the way forward. “The outcome of the referendum sent a clear message to all the stakeholders that the environmental...

14 Apr 2015

Now hear the better half

So again the countryside is to be overrun by an army of gun wielding bird stalkers who will continue to decimate endangered species till there are none left to kill. ...